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U.S. Commerce Department Establishes First-Ever Concrete Masonry Checkoff Program

The U.S. Department of Commerce has established an industry-funded checkoff program devoted to the research, education, and promotion of concrete masonry products. The Concrete Checkoff Program is the first-ever Checkoff Program at the Department of Commerce. The program, passed by industry referendum, passed with support from 62% of Concrete Masonry Units (CMU) Manufacturers and 53% of CMU Cavities, and makes effective the Concrete Masonry Products Research, Education, and Promotion Order. The effective date of the order is December 18, 2021. You can view the order at Federal Register Concrete Masonry Products FINAL NOTICE.

The Order empowers a Concrete Masonry Products Board, comprised of industry members appointed by U.S. Secretary of Commerce Gina M. Raimondo, to fund and establish research, education, and promotion programs in support of the Concrete Masonry Product industry, subject to the review and approval of the Secretary.

This is a nationwide program that will be overseen by the U.S. Department of Commerce in accordance with the Order and applicable laws. The Secretary of Commerce has final authority with regards to this program. As this program gets established and takes hold, the Arizona Masonry Council will remain active to ensure that our region benefits from this program and keeps our members informed.

For more information on the National Checkoff Program, visit our FAQ page.

Note that this Federal program does not replace Arizona's existing check-off program which is operated by AMC and continues to fund programs such as high school outreach, apprenticeship, and training programs.

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